Tag Archive: usa

Detroit to pay 30 cents on dollar for $285M debt

Big news for Detroit. The city will only have to pay $85M of a $285 million debt from UBS and Bank of America Merril Lynch. This debt came from from “swaps”, or pension-debt… Continue reading

Russia non-responsive to US and European threats

The chances of Putin backing down are… nil, unless the cost of his conquest becomes too great. http://cnn.it/1djRtQ2 Obama is threatening trade and investment embargo on Russia, but canceling the G8 in Sochi is… Continue reading

The United States GROWING before your eyes

When  US Census of 1890 claimed the “Frontier” was closed, Frederick Jackson Turner questioned how American culture and history would develop and whether Americans would retain “that coarseness and strength combined with acuteness and… Continue reading