Category Archive: Uncategorized

Russia non-responsive to US and European threats

The chances of Putin backing down are… nil, unless the cost of his conquest becomes too great. Obama is threatening trade and investment embargo on Russia, but canceling the G8 in Sochi is… Continue reading

Building the future without starting your own business

I’ve always thought I had to start up my own company to be influential and invoke change. Instead, imagine having been the 8th employee at Google?

The United States GROWING before your eyes

When  US Census of 1890 claimed the “Frontier” was closed, Frederick Jackson Turner questioned how American culture and history would develop and whether Americans would retain “that coarseness and strength combined with acuteness and… Continue reading

Jackson, MS

 Jackson, Mississippi is a city with an antebellum architecture and a museum-like feel as you walk the empty streets

Detroit investing $150 million into new tech for the city

Under the city’s proposal to emerge from bankruptcy, Detroit would spend nearly $150 million during the next 10 years to make up for decades of a lack of investment in technology.

Finding the fun in your job

When I tackle work with a sense of play, my creativity and optimism soar. I fall in love with the process. My energy becomes contagious, and I’m able to create unique art with… Continue reading